Mahmoud Ramzy
Software Engineer.
Hi there, My name is Mahmoud.
Hardworking effective Developer. Well-educated and poised with 6 years of expertise in Android native and Flutter development. Always seeking to produce highly effective content that meets desired outcomes. Helped many clients worldwide create applications for their businesses and ideas.

Here are some of my Projects.


Native Android Devlopment

Flutter: Dart basics - Flutter framework - localization - Bloc - Provider - widget testing
Android testing: Testing UI components and performance.
Java/kotlin: Basics - android SDK - OOP
Android Studio: Debug and build Android apps, And App Performance
Design pattern: MVP, MVC, MVVM
VCS:Git, Github, and Bitbucket
Restful API: Experience with REST APIs JSON/XML.
Play Store: Publishing cycle for production, fixing bugs, tests, and updating app
AI apps: Chatbot apps and using TensorFlow framework.
Tasks management: JIRA- Trello - Notion.
Libraries: RXJava2 - Dagger2 - Rretroifet2 - Butterknfe - Volley - Piccasso - Glide - FastAndroidNetworking - Realm - Google SDK ( maps - sign in - youtube )- Facebook SDKs - OpenCV - Tensorflow - Fireba
About me
Computer And Information Technology College - Mansoura University Related Courses: AI, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Software Engineering, Algorithms & Data Structures.
If you have a work opportunity or want a consultation please don't hesitate to get in touch.